When we adopted our sweet pup, our first order of business was to take her to the vet and have her microchipped. The rescue organization had already paid for this important procedure, we just needed to set up the appointment and take her in for the chip to be inserted. The procedure was quick and painless, and we were on our way, with a tracking device that would allow any vet or shelter to identify our dog, trace her back to us, and reunite us should she ever get lost.
How microchips benefit pets
When it came time to renew our Golden’s microchip information (happens once a year), I had a pleasant reminder of the services that our microchip organization provides.
- If Hattie runs away, and someone finds her and takes her to the vet or a shelter picks her up, her microchip can be scanned and its unique code will be used to pull up her info in the microchip database, linking her back to her family.
- If Hattie gets lost, our microchip service will send out lost pet alerts to vets and shelters in the area and provide a “Lost Pet” poster to print and post in the neighborhood.
- In an emergency, we have access (24/7) to an emergency medical information hotline, staffed by veterinarians.
- We can make unlimited updates to our contact information and pet’s profile in the pet recovery database. This is especially helpful since I like to update Hattie’s picture frequently. As she gets older, her face will change, and I want her to be easy to identify by her photo!
Microchipping tips
- It is an inexpensive way to protect your pet. On average, the procedure costs $45 and lasts a lifetime.
- Microchips comes preloaded in a sterile applicator which is inserted in the loose skin between an animal’s shoulder blades. The procedure to insert the chip is done in the vet’s office and doesn’t require anesthetic.
- If your dog’s collar falls off, a microchip will serve as a permanent ID.
- Dogs AND cats can be microchipped.
- A microchip will not do its job unless you register your pet in the pet recovery database and update your pet’s info any time it changes.
Is your pet microchipped? It is such an easy thing to do to ensure your pet will be able to be returned safety to you if he gets lost. Take advantage of National Check the Chip Day, which occurs on August 15, to either have your dog or cat microchipped, or to check that the info in the database is up to date. PetPartners’ Wellness Care can help offset the cost of microchipping, if you have not taken this important step in ensuring the safety of your pet. I know I rest much easier knowing our Hattie Bear is forever linked to her family!