Have you ever wondered what is the best home remedy for your cat’s hairballs? Worried about your dog’s dry nose? Here is a top ten you’re going to want to print out and tape to the inside of your kitchen cabinet. Chances are, you have most of these items in your house already. As always, double check with your veterinarian or reach out to the PetPartners 24/7 pet helpline if you're a policyholder to check before giving your pet anything new.
1. Aquaphor
Good for dry hands and baby’s bottoms, this wonder ointment also works great on dog noses. In the feature, The Vets Will See You Now in the April 2016 issue of Real Simple magazine, veterinarian Donna Solomon recommends applying a thin coat of Aquaphor on dry areas twice a day. I can vouch for the recommendation--after just two days of rubbing Aquaphor on my dog’s crusty snout, it is as smooth as it was when she was a puppy!
2. Olive Oil
Unless you are a fan of the hairless look, hairballs are a part of a life. Try giving your cat a quarter of a teaspoon of olive oil for a few days. Olive oil is good for dogs too. According to Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM, olive oil can help maintain the health of your dog’s coat. See her article, The Glow of Health for more details on the benefits.
3. Oral Syringe
If you have children, you’ve accumulated a few of these over the years. The medicine dispensers that come with liquid medication are perfect for giving fluids if your pet is under the weather. Use a syringe to squirt water into your pet’s mouth to rehydrate.
4. Canned Pumpkin
Pumpkin is good for your dog’s digestive system, and it is easy to keep on hand. See our post, National Dog Biscuit Day, for a yummy recipe that includes pumpkin.
5. Humidifier
You’re not the only one whose skin will benefit. A humidifier will help to alleviate your pet’s itchy, dry skin, and prevent her from rolling in something yucky as she tries to scratch her own back!
6. Old Towel
Speaking of backs, this has saved ours a time or two. If your dog has had surgery or is dizzy from vertigo, he may have trouble squatting to use the bathroom. Slide a towel under his back legs to support him.
7. Lemons
Lemon water applied to your dog’s skin can work as a flea preventative, and will also freshen your pet’s coat. According to the PetMD article, 7 Home Remedies for Your Dog, fleas are repelled by citrus. Make this natural flea repellent by pouring boiling water over halved lemons and allowing to steep overnight. Cool before pouring into a fresh spray bottle.
8. Epsom Salt
When your pet has an injury, a bath of warm water and Epsom salt can reduce swelling and help your pet heal more quickly.
9. Oatmeal
Oatmeal baths aren’t just for diaper rash and chicken pox. In her article, Top 8 Vet-Sanctioned Home Remedies for Pets, Dr. Patty Khuly, VMD recommends adding finely ground oatmeal (like baby oatmeal) to bath water to help soothe your pet’s itchy skin. And you don’t have to worry if he samples the water while he’s chilling in the tub.
10. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Dr. Khuly is a big fan of this remedy as well. She recommends mixing four cups hydrogen peroxide with ⅓ cup baking soda and a splash of dish washing detergent to make a solution that will eliminate even the most offensive odors. Make the solution and store in a squirt bottle for easy application to stinky areas, including carpets, clothing, and even your pet’s fur (during bath time).
Happy Home Remedying, Pet Lovers!
While these home remedies can help your pet for simple concerns such as dry, itchy skin, consider enrolling in pet insurance to be sure you're protected against more severe conditions that lead to unexpected accident and illness vet bills! Get a pet insurance quote today.